2nd Session of the 2024 UN Biodiversity Conference

Last update: March 3, 2025

The follow-up Session of the 2024 UN Biodiversity Conference took place from February 25–27, 2025, in Rome, Italy. After COP16 in November 2024 in Cali, Colombia, the February negotiations on Resource Mobilization remained intense. It gathered approximately 900 participants representing governments, UN and international organizations, Indigenous Peoples, local populations, civil society, academia, and several private sector industries.

Key discussions and positions included the fact that:

1. JAMAICA stressed that the Resource Mobilization Strategy still lacks a concrete implementation plan, which must be addressed during the inter-sessional period before COP17 and reviewed at COP18

2. EGYPT, FIJI, the RUSSIAN FEDERATION, CHINA, and BRAZIL supported similar - retaining bracketed - texts

3. The Russian Federation argued that the current interim financial mechanism imposes discriminatory measures on certain eligible parties

4. Brazil emphasized that issues that unite the developing world

Outlook for COP17, COP18, and COP19 indicates that parties will likely continue focusing on the:

1. reform of existing financial entities and institutional structures

2. operations and performance of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund.

3. establishment of new financial entities if needed

4. narrative and definition of the terms of reference and operational modalities for the proposed mechanisms, and 

5. the potential for new institutional structures for new permanent financial mechanisms, likely to be finalized until COP19

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Dialogue with Colombia's 1st ever Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation

“When we create public policies with a differential approach, we stimulate a collective conscience.”

The need for a differential approach. On February 7, 2022, Dr. Mabel Gisela Torres joined a public policy dialogue with leaders and members of the academic community at Howard University to celebrate Black History Month. She made a positive impact on Colombia’s 31 departments during her tenure as the country’s 1st Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

Dr. Torres created three inclusive programs with a differential approach for Afro-descendant populations by tailoring their Terms of References to their specific needs and taking into consideration their geographic location, gender, ethnic and racial characteristics. She stated that decision making positions are important to facilitate the implementation of public policies and projects. These public policies are not supposed to be just technical; they also need to be built with the hearts, feelings and connections to the populations where they are going to be implemented..

“If you don't know a territory, you can't build a public policy that is appropriate for that territory. When we create and build public policies that are inclusive and designed with a differential approach, we begin to stimulate a collective conscience,” she explained.

“It creates discomfort in some people, but we have to do it because the conditions of many populations are not the same and the information does not reach many of them the same way either.”

Minister Torres highlighted the importance talking about including and showcasing the work with afro-descendant populations in her region to make them visible. Although it is difficult to discuss inequities because it creates discomfort in some people, we have to do it because the conditions of many populations are not the same and the information does not reach many of them the same way either.

Commemorating the 1st United Nations International Day of Afro-descendants

This High-Level International Forum was held between August 31 and September 4, 2021, in the cities of San José and Cahuita, Costa Rica. The Forum was sponsored by the Government of Costa Rica and supported by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

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Helping communities to get ready for the next hurricane season

Central American black immigrants, which include the Garifuna people, represent the largest number of black immigrants from Latin America in the US. Most of them live in New York, Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and California. Most come from Panama, Belize, and Honduras. It is followed by Afro-Mexicans who are, despite still struggling for recognition in their own country, the second largest group of black Latin American immigrants. (Click image to see Spanish version).

The Role of the Garifuna Diaspora in the Process of Relief, Reconstruction and Recovery of Communities.

Conversando sobre Antropoceno y Desarrollo Humano

En el marco de la publicación del Reporte sobre Desarrollo Humano 2020, la oficina del PNUD en Honduras les invita al evento Conversando sobre Antropoceno y Desarrollo Humano, el cual se llevará acabo el día martes 23 de febrero del 2021 a las 4:30pm. Nos acompañarán Richard Barathe, Representante del PNUD en Honduras, Sergio Membreño, Coordinador del INDH 2021, Gina Kawas, Investigadora Senior en el Wilson Center, Julio Güity-Guevara, Director del SUDECC, Inc. y Mauricio Díaz Burdett, Director del FOSDEH


2020 U.S. Latino National Security & Foreign Policy Next Generation Leaders

Source: https://diversityinnationalsecuritynetwork...

The Search for Racial Equity | Afro Descendants - Recognition, Justice & Development in the Americas

These "Search for Racial Equity" panels will facilite the creation of policies and practices that support our communities. It was a pleasure to join this panel of influential thinkers, creators, makers, and doers. Thank you Melonie Parker, SPHR Julissa Ramirez, Sherice Torres, Jessica Gallegos and my fellow panelists for your leadership.


#RacialEquity #Latinx #AfroLatinX SUDECC Inc Google

The Green Energy industry, Renewables and the adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the U.S.

Transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to GHG emissions with approximately 27% and vehicles on the road represent approximately 83% of the transportation sector's emissions.

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SUDECC was well represented at the latest Renewable & Green Energy industry course in Manhattan, New York. The focus was on the issues limiting adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs). It was offered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP FI) and the European Energy Centre Ltd registered in Scotland.


This training was offered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP FI) and the European Energy Centre from Scotland.

We covered topics such as government policies promoting it, tax credits, EV deployment (local, state, national, and international), the latest technologies, the U.S. charging infrastructure, financing and development. Currently, 65% of American households own more than one vehicle and 42% of U.S. households meet the requirements to own an electric vehicle. It is also expected that by 2023 the U.S. will have 5% of the market share and China 15%. 


Rep. Elijah Cummings.


We had an insightful conversation a few weeks ago. I will never forget this man full of passion and enthusiasm. Through his extraordinary ability to connect with people, he always delivered consistent messages. He will be missed in this world. My deepest sympathy to his family. R.I.P.

Sharing the Experiences of Civil Society Organizations in the Application of Environmental and Social Policies

After working for several years at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) where I conducted the socio-environmental due diligence of over 50 private and public sector transactions, I learned that modernizing institutional policies can be a challenging task, but also presents many opportunities.

Congratulations to the team that facilitated the most recent workshop on “Sharing the Experiences of Civil Society Organizations in the Application of Environmental and Social Policies” and thanks to those that made possible my participation.

As the team continues drafting the new proposed policy framework that will be submitted to the IDB Board of Directors, I invite those working on environmentally friendly initiatives to make meaningful contributions to this process by going to www.iadb.org/mpas.


Sharing the Experiences of Civil Society Organizations

I enjoyed listening and sharing lessons learned from implementing the current safeguard policies in transportation, telecommunication, infrastructure, rural development, water and sanitation, energy and social sector projects. We will continue supporting this long overdue modernization process..


AfroLatinidad at Harvard Graduate School of Education


“Afro-Latinidad: Exploring African Heritage in Latinx Cultures Through the Arts.”

In academic environments, it’s easier to talk about topics such as: strengthening relationships between culturally different communities, race, ethnicity, and reducing income inequality.

It was a pleasure to share my thoughts about the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census, Afro-Latinos and Garifunas in the U.S. Thanks to the Harvard Graduate School of Education & Harvard’s Dominican Student Association for inviting me to join their most recent panel on “Afro-Latinidad: Exploring African Heritage in Latinx Cultures Through the Arts.”

Thanks also to my fellow panelists and participants that took the time and willingness to listen and provide feedback.